壹. 科目名稱:
計算理論(二), 課號TMIXM1M1772 0A
貳. 授課老師: 廖賀田 Tel: 02-27687342,
Email: htliaw@mail.tku.edu.tw
參. 開課系所班級: 資管系碩士班
肆. 必選修: 選修
伍. 學分數: 2 學分
陸. 先修科目: 須有程式設計經驗
柒. 教學內容及進度:
- 繼續討論 Turing machine
- intractable problem
- polynomial time-space
- NP-complete problems
- the class co-NP
- PSpace-complete problems
- P=NP question
捌. 授課方式: 課堂講授
玖. 教學設備: 電腦, 投影機
拾. 教材課本:
- J. E. Hopcroft, R. Motwani, J. D. Ullman,
"Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation," 2 ed.
Addison-Wesley 華通書坊經銷
拾壹. 參考書籍 :
- J. L. Gersting: "Mathematical Structures for Computer Science"
- P. Linz: "An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, 3ed, Johns and Bartlett, 開發經銷
- H. Lewis , C. H. Papadimitriou: "Elements of the Theory of omputation", 2ed, 全華經銷
- J. G. Brookshear: "Theory of Computation--
Formal Languages, Automata, and Complexity", Benjamin/Cummings
拾貳. 成績考核方式:
拾參. 備考: