期刊著作 |
- Huan-Jyh Shyur, 2008, "A quantitative model for aviation safety risk assessment," Computers & Industrial Engineering (SCI, EI), Vol. 54, No. 1, pp.34-44
- Hsu-Shih Shih, Huan-Jyh Shyur, and E. Stanley Lee, 2007,"An extension of TOPSIS for group decision making," Mathematical and Computer Modeling (SCI, EI), Vol.45, pp.801-813
- 徐煥智,2007,"賣方管理存貨模式下存貨持有成本分攤之可行性分析",臺灣管理學刊,第7卷第1期,pp. 89-102
- Huan-Jyh Shyur,2006,"COTS evaluation using modified TOPSIS and ANP," Applied Mathematics and Computation (SCI, EI),Vol. 177, pp.251-259
- Huan-Jyh Shyur and Hsu-Shih Shih, 2006, "A hybrid MCDM model for strategic vendor selection," Mathematical and Computer Modeling (SCI, EI),Vol. 44, pp.749-761
- 徐煥智、廖建賀,2006,"遠端診斷與除錯系統的複合式知識儲存與擷取模型",電子商務學報(TSSCI),第 8 卷第 2 期,pp. 219-234
- Hsu-Shih Shih,Liang-Chih Huang,and Huan-Jyh Shyur , 2005, "Recruitment and selection processes through an effective GDSS," Computers & Mathematics with Applications (SCI, EI),Vol.50, pp.1543-1558
- Huan-Jyh Shyur, 2003, "A Semi-Structured Process for ERP Systems Evaluation: Applying Analytic Network Process," 電子商務學報 (TSSCI) ,第 5 卷第 1 期, pp.33-49
- 徐煥智、許淑瑜, 2003, "企業資源規劃系統之評選-應用分析層級程序法",中原企管評論,第 1 卷第 1 期, pp.65-80
- Huan-Jyh Shyur, 2003, “A stochastic software reliability model with imperfect-debugging and change-point,” The journal of systems and software (SCI, EI), Vol. 66, Issue 2, pp.135-141
- Huan-Jyh Shyur, E.A. Elsayed, and James T. Luxhoj, 1999, "A general model for accelerated life testing with time-dependent covariates," Naval Research Logistics (SCI, EI), Vol. 46, Issue 3, pp. 303-322 (88 年度國科會甲種研究獎勵 )
- Huan-Jyh Shyur, E.A. Elsayed, and James T. Luxhoj, 1999, "A general hazard regression model for accelerated life testing," Annals of operations Research (SCI, EI), Vol.91, pp.263-280
- James T. Luxhoj and Huan-Jyh Shyur, 1997, "Comparison of proportional hazards models and neural networks for reliability estimation," Journal of Intelligent manufacturing (SCI, EI), Vol.8, No.3, pp.227-234
- James T. Luxhoj, Trefor P. Williams, and Huan-Jyh Shyur, 1997, "Comparison of regression and neural network models for prediction of inspection profiles for aging aircraft," IIE Transaction (SCI, EI), Vol. 29, No.2, pp.91-101
- Huan-Jyh Shyur, James T. Luxhoj, and Trefor P. Williams, 1996, "Using neural networks to predict component inspection requirements for aging aircraft," Computers & Industrial Engineering (SCI, EI), Vol. 30, No.2, pp.257-267
- James T. Luxhoj and Huan-Jyh Shyur, 1995, "Reliability curve fitting for aging helicopter components," Reliability Engineering and System Safety (SCI, EI), Vol. 48, pp.229-234
- Rong-Kwei, Li and Huan-Jyh Shyur, "The Two Stage Feature Based Design Concept," International Journal of
Production Research (SCI, EI), v. 29, No. 1, 1991, pp. 133-154.
研討會論文 |
- 徐煥智、時序時、方姿文,2008, "建構一個以多屬性價值函數權衡之採購協商支援系統", 2008 年兩岸三地管理科學暨企業經營學術研討會,pp.219-232, 淡江大學
- 徐煥智、顏志祐,2008, "一個能發掘更具意義循序樣式的探勘流程",第十九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 國立暨南國際大學、中華民國資訊管理學會
- 徐煥智、張耕,2008, "考量時間機率之循序樣式探勘方法",第十九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 國立暨南國際大學、中華民國資訊管理學會
- 徐煥智、時序時、方姿文,2008, "一對多之多屬性採購協商支援系統的建構研究",第十九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 國立暨南國際大學、中華民國資訊管理學會
- Hsu-Shih Shih, Huan-Jyh Shyur, Chi-chang Jou, "A multi-attribute NSS for purchasing negotiation", 19th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM 2008),40,7-12 January 2008, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Chichang Jou, Huan-Jyh Shyur, 2007, "The Task Allocation Decision Model For Constrained Stochastic Distributed Systems", 37th Int Conf on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt
- 徐煥智、辛婉甄,2007,"風險限制與成本考量下之資安控制措施選擇方法",第十八屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,論文編號 : P0210 ,銘傳大學、中華民國資訊管理學會
- 劉臺雄、時序時、周清江、徐煥智、楊維楨, 2007,"同仁審查之流程與關鍵因素探討- 以台灣證券交易所系統設計審查為例",2007 年兩岸三地管理科學暨企業經營學術研討會,pp.173-192,中國科學院,西雙版納,雲南
- 徐煥智、黃曉君,2006,"以資料探勘預測技術應用於民航安全事件發生頻率之研究",第十七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,pp.1094-1101,義守大學、中華民國資訊管理學會
- 周清江、徐煥智、黃婉婷,2005,"限制條件下的隨機型分散式系統建置決策模型",第十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,論文編號 : SFE-166-P,輔仁大學、中華民國資訊管理學會
- 時序時、徐煥智,2006,"一具多屬性特質之採購協商支援系統之建置",2006 年兩岸管理科學暨經營決策學術研討會,江西財經大學
- 時序時、徐煥智,2005,"一有效供應商評選之群體決策支援系統的建構",2005 年兩岸管理科學暨經營決策學術研討會,吉林大學
- 徐煥智、邱紹瑋,2004,"具條件風險值考量下之訂價合約決策支援模式",第一屆創新與管理學術研討會,實踐大學、中華民國管理科學學會
- 時序時、黃良志、徐煥智、黃明典、陳采玉、何靜儀,2004,"一人力遴選決策支援系統之建構",2004 年兩岸管理科學暨經營決策學術研討會,339-356,貴州大學,貴陽,貴州
- 徐煥智 , 2003, "ERP System Selection Using Analytic Network Process Model ",
2003 企業資源規劃研究暨實務研討會
- 徐煥智、周貝珊,2002,"供應鏈中應用 VMI 對資訊分享價值之影響", 第十三屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,淡江大學、中華民國資訊管理學會
- 徐煥智、曾素蓉,2002,"應用條件風險模式於供應鏈之策略規劃 ",第十三屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,淡江大學、中華民國資訊管理學會
- Mu-Chen Chen, Hsiao-Pin Wu , Huan-Jyh Shyur, 2001, "Analyzing Software Reliability Growth Model
with Imperfect-Debugging and Change-Point by Genetic Algorithms," The 29th International
Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Canada
- 徐煥智、廖建賀,2001,"整合貝氏認知網路與案例式推論模型之客戶服務系統",第十二屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,淡江大學、中華民國資訊管理學會
- 徐煥智、謝爾廉,2000,"具轉折點及多型態錯誤之非完美除錯軟體可靠度模型",第十一屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,中山大學、中華民國資訊管理學會
- Huan-Jyh Shyur and James T. Luxhoj, 1996, "Nonparametric models for analyzing failure time data of aging aircraft with multiple stresses," Institute of Industrial Engineers, 5 th Industrial Engineering Research Conference Proceedings