

My Dear Classmates,

Our most beloved Teacher, Mrs. Sun, was buried yesterday at Rose Hills  
Cemetery in Los Angeles, I and Hon Chan Chen were there representing  
our "Class 3" of Cheng Kuo High School, with the presence of Sun's  
daughter Sha Ping. It was sad to see her departure, yet we were  
grateful to see her free from years of pains.

It was a simple and much dignified ceremony that we witnessed  
yesterday and the attached photos are to share with you. As Professor  
Young Chang Hou vividly depicted, Sun took each and every one of us as  
her own family member. Her care and love for us are above and beyond a  
high school teacher, and we shall remember her, FOREVER.

Y.Y. Lin










在學校時我從未真正聽過課 , 說實話對所有老師印象都不深刻, 孫老師除外 . 至少她對我這種對吊兒郎當的學生也都和藹可親.


我現在上海恐來不及參加 , 才請代為替大家問候一聲.

Happy Chinese New Year !




弟    建文上



The viewing took place 1/9/2009. Here are some pictures.

The legacy of teacher Sun will live in our hearts forever. Be our blessing and encourage us to follow in her footsteps to be a blessing to others.
Houng and Nellie Chen


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The viewing took place 1/9/2009. Here are some pictures.