期刊論文  ●研討會論文  ●專書及專書論文  ●技術報告及其它


  1. 侯永昌,官振宇,蔡志豐,王道順,2016.03,「沒有形變的(3, n)-視覺秘密分享方案」,計算機學報,第39卷,第3期,pp. 441-453NSC101-2221-E-032-047 (EI)

  2. Y.C. Hou, Z.Y. Quan, and C.F. Tsai, 2015.11, “A Privilege-based Visual Secret Sharing Model,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 33, pp. 358-367. NSC99-2221-E-032-051 (SCI, EI)

  3. S.C. Wei, Y.C. Hou, and Y.C. Lu, 2015.06, “A Technique for Sharing a Digital Image,” Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 40, pp. 53-61. NSC97-2221-E-032-024 (SCI, EI)

  4. Y.C. Hou, Z.Y. Quan, and H.Y. Liao, 2015.01, “New Designs for Friendly Visual Cryptography Scheme,” International Journal of Information and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-20. NSC101-2221-E-032-047

  5. 官振宇,侯永昌,蔡志豐,2014.11,「具有高色差對比之 (3, n)-門檻式視覺密碼學」,中正嶺學報,第43卷,第2期,pp. 141-155NSC101-2221-E-032-047 (EI)

  6. 官振宇,侯永昌,蔡志豐,2014.06,「(3, n)-門檻式視覺機密分享之新設計法」,電子商務學報,第16卷,第2期,pp. 149-173NSC101-2221-E-032-047 (TSSCI)

  7. Y.C. Hou, S.C. Wei, and C.Y. Lin, 2014.05, “Random-grid-based Visual Cryptography Schemes,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 24, Issue 5, pp. 733-744. NSC99-2221-E-032-051 (SCI, EI)

  8. 侯永昌,劉馨茹,官振宇,2014.05,「結合小波轉換與視覺密碼於智慧財產權保護」,中正嶺學報,第43卷,第1期,pp. 81-96NSC100-2221-E-032-043 (EI)

  9. Y.C. Hou, S.C. Wei, H.J. Liu, and A.Y. Tseng, 2014.03, “Watermarking Scheme based on Wavelet Transformation and Visual Cryptography,” Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 101-106. NSC101-2221-E-032-047

  10. 侯永昌,林佳穎,2014.03,「以機率分配為基礎的有意義視覺祕密分享」,技術學刊,第29卷,第1期,pp. 57-68NSC100-2221-E-032-043 (EI)

  11. 侯永昌,官振宇,蔡志豐,2013.11,「具有優先權概念之通用型視覺機密分享」,中正嶺學報,第42卷,第2期,pp. 33-48NSC99-2221-E-032-051 (EI)

  12. Y.C. Hou, Z.Y. Quan, C.F. Tsai, and A.Y. Tseng, 2013.06, “Block-based Progressive Visual Secret Sharing,” Information Sciences, Vol. 233, pp. 290-304. NSC99-2221-E-032-051 (SCI, EI)

  13. 侯永昌,官振宇,蔡志豐,2012.12,「植基於區塊漸進還原之非擴展式視覺機密分享」,電子商務學報,第14卷,第4期,pp. 575-596NSC99-2221-E-032-051 (TSSCI)

  14. Y.C. Hou and P.H. Huang, 2012.06, “An Ownership Protection Scheme Based on Visual Cryptography and the Law of Large Numbers,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 4147-4156. NSC93-2213-E-032-033 (SCI, EI)

  15. 侯永昌,廖欣音,官振宇,2012.03,「視覺密碼學分享模型之新設計法」,電子商務學報,第14卷,第1期,pp. 121-142NSC97-2221-E-032-024 (TSSCI)

  16. Y.C. Hou, and Z.Y. Quan, 2011.11, “Progressive Visual Cryptography with Unexpanded Shares,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 21, Issue 11, pp. 1760-1764. NSC96-2221-E-032-027 (SCI, EI)

  17. 侯永昌,官振宇,蔡志豐,2011.07,「具有優先權概念之不擴展漸進式視覺密碼」,資訊管理學報,第18卷,第3期,pp. 125-147NSC99-2221-E-032-051 (TSSCI)

  18. 侯永昌,官振宇,2011.03,「像素不擴展之漸進式視覺密碼」,電子商務學報,第13卷,第1期,pp. 99-115NSC96-2221-E-032-027 (TSSCI)

  19. 侯永昌,官振宇,2010.07,「有意義且不擴展分享影像之漸進式視覺密碼」,資訊管理學報,第17卷,第3期,pp. 131-154NSC97-2221-E-032-024 (TSSCI)

  20. C.S. Hsu, S.F. Tu and Y.C. Hou, 2009.04, “A Document Protection Scheme Using Innocuous Messages as Camouflage,” WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol. 6, Issue 4, 694-703. NSC97-2221-E-130-019 (EI)

  21. Y.H. Chang and Y.C. Hou, 2008.02, “Dynamic Programming Decision Path Encoding of Genetic Algorithms for Production Allocation Problems,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 54, Issue 1, pp.53-65. (SCIE, EI)

  22. S.F. Tu and Y.C. Hou, 2007.06, “On the design of visual cryptographic methods with smooth-looking decoded images of invariant size for gray level images,” Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 55, No 2, pp. 90-101. (SCI)

  23. C.S. Hsu and Y.C. Hou, 2006.09, “A Goal Programming Assisted Visual Cryptography Method with Unexpanded Shadow Images for General Access Structures,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 45, Issue 9, pp. 097001 (10 pages). (SCI, EI)

  24.  C.S. Hsu, S.F. Tu and Y.C. Hou, 2006.09, “An Optimization Model for Visual Cryptography Schemes with Unexpanded Shares,” Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4203, pp. 58-67. NSC90-2213-E-008-047 (SCIE, EI)

  25. C.S. Hsu, S.F. Tu and Y.C. Hou, 2006.09, “A Statistical Approach for Ownership Identification of Digital Images,” Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4179, pp. 666-674. NSC93-2213-E-032-033 (SCIE, EI)

  26. C.S. Hsu and Y.C. Hou, 2006.08, “An image size unconstrained ownership identification scheme for gray-level and color ownership statements based on sampling methods,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 79, Issue 8, pp. 1130-1140. (SCI, EI)

  27. C.S. Hsu and Y.C. Hou, 2005.07, “Copyright protection scheme for digital images using visual cryptography and sampling methods,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 44, Issue 7, pp. 077003 (10 pages). NSC93-2213-E-032-033 (SCI, EI)

  28. Y.C. Hou, and S.F. Tu, 2005.05, “A Visual Cryptographic Technique for Chromatic Images Using Multi-Pixel Encoding Method,” Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, .Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 179-191. NSC90-2213-E-008-047 (SCIE, EI)

  29. 侯永昌,杜淑芬,2005.04「中英文祕密文件的分享與隱藏」,資訊管理學報,第十二卷,第二期,pp. 141-161(TSSCI)

  30. 侯永昌,許慶昇,2005.04「應用視覺密碼與抽樣分配理論於數位影像著作權保護之探討」,資訊安全通訊,第十一卷,第二期,pp. 71-85

  31. 侯永昌,許慶昇,2005.01「以機率為基礎之像素不擴展的視覺密碼最佳化模型」,資訊管理學報,第十二卷,第一期,pp. 91-109(TSSCI)

  32. 侯永昌,許慶昇,2004.12,「像素不擴展之灰階視覺密碼方法」,資管評論,第十三期,pp. 107-124

  33. 侯永昌,杜淑芬,2004.10,「一種多點同時加密式的不擴展灰階視覺密碼方法」,資訊管理學報,第十一卷,第四期,pp. 229-249(TSSCI)

  34. Y.C. Hou and Y.H. Chang, 2004.09, “A New Efficient Encoding Mode of Genetic Algorithms for the Generalized Plant Allocation Problem,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 1019-1034. (SCIE, EI)

  35. 侯永昌,杜淑芬,2004.06,「像素不擴展之彩色視覺密碼技術」,資訊、科技與社會Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 95-110

  36. 侯永昌,許慶昇,2003.12,「以機率為基礎之像素不擴展的多機密影像視覺密碼最佳化模型」,資訊、科技與社會Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 19-37

  37.  Y.C. Hou, 2003.07, “Visual Cryptography for Color Images,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 1619-1629. NSC89-2218-E-008-009 (SCI, EI)

  38. Y.C. Hou and Y.H. Chang, 2003.06, “Dynamic Programming Variant in Evolution Strategies for Production Allocation Problems,” MIS Review, Vol. 12, pp. 1-16.

  39. 侯永昌,張雅惠,2003.06,「應用遺傳演算法於向量量化之新編碼簿設計法」,電腦學刊,第十五卷,第二期,pp. 16-28

  40. Y.C. Hou and Y.H. Chang2002.09”The New Efficient Hierarchy Combination Encoding method of Evolution Strategies for Production Allocation problems,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 43, Issue 3, pp. 577-589. (SCIE, EI)

  41. 侯永昌,張兆源,林芳助2001.12,「無須區塊擴展的彩色視覺密碼製作技術」技術學刊Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 595-603

  42.  侯永昌,張兆源,林芳助2000.12,「以半色調技術製作彩色視覺密碼」資管評論,第十期,pp. 21-37

  43. 侯永昌,陳培敏,趙元甫,2000.09,「資料隱藏偽裝技術之研究」,技術學刊Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 363-372

  44. 黃昭平、張克章,侯永昌,2000.03,「基因密碼產生器之設計與研究」,中華管理評論Vol. 3 No. 1pp. 173-186

  45. 黃昭平、張克章,侯永昌,2000.03,「基因演算法於密碼學之應用與研究」,資訊安全通訊,第六卷,第二期,pp. 20-36

  46. 侯永昌,林芳助,張兆源,1999.12,「一種256色機密影像分享的新技術」,資管評論,第九期,pp. 89-105

  47. 侯永昌,胡光輝,1999.07,「雙螺旋模式之軟體開發流程的探討」,資訊管理學報,第六卷,第一期,pp. 47-62(TSSCI)

  48. 侯永昌,楊雪花,1998,08,「以模糊理論和遺傳演算法為基礎的中文文件自動分類之研究」,模糊系統學刊,第四卷,第一期,pp. 45-57

  49. 侯永昌,陳永順,1998.03,「線性交錯式二元樹之快速編碼法」,技術學刊,Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 157-166

  50. P.M. Chen, S.Y. Tseng, Y.C. Hou and B.B. Loah, 1998.01, “An Object-oriented Geographic Information System Shell,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 21-32. (SCIE, EI)

  51. Y.C. Hou, C.M. Chen and W.T. Wu, 1997.12, “Fuzzy Structural Query Processing in Fuzzy Relational Database,“ International Journal of Information Management and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-15.

  52. 侯永昌,楊森雄,1997.09,「影像之邊緣偵測與漸進式傳輸─線性交錯式二元樹編碼法之應用」,電腦學刊,第九卷,第三期,pp. 1-18

  53. 侯永昌,1997.02,「全球定位系統在地理資訊上之應用研究」,工程科技通訊,第二十二期,pp. 37-39

  54. 侯永昌,范懿文,1996.12,「國內個體導向技術應用因素及推動策略之研究」,資管評論,第六期,pp. 27-48

  55. 侯永昌,1996.07,「線性交錯式二元樹及其在地理資訊系統上之應用」,資訊管理研究Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 37-53

  56. Y.C. Hou and J.C. Tsay, 1992.12, “On Equivalent Systolic Designs of LU Decomposition and Its Algebraic Representation,“ The Computer Journal, Vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 662-666. (EI)

  57. Y.C. Hou and J.C. Tsay, 1989.07, “Equivalent Transformation on Systolic Design Represented by Generating Function,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 229-250. (SCIE, EI)

  58. J.C. Tsay and Y.C. Hou, 1989.05, “Generating Function and Equivalent Transformation for Systolic Arrays,” Parallel Computing, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 347-356. (SCIE, EI)



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